It’s OK — The constant deafening hum

Jon Acton
3 min readFeb 28, 2022

It’s Ok — The Constant Deafening Hum

Can you hear it? The constant deafening hum. The soundtrack in your head that accompanies the one thing after another that life likes to throw your way. Not the scare the bajeezus out of you alarm clock blare from a dead sleep sound. No, I mean the constant and deafening hum reminding you about the pain, illness, grief, loss and uncertainty of our daily existence. The volume goes up or down depending upon our focus. Although the individual circumstances may vary, I bet many of you know what I am talking about. There is an indescribable hum in your head constantly reminding you of what used to be OK, what is currently not OK and the reminder of what is still coming that may or may not be OK.

This constant deafening hum doesn’t disrupt the entire day. In fact, some parts of a day, it is so feint it can’t be heard at all. Life happens daily which demands attention to a myriad of experiences. Some good, some bad and some just meh. The constant deafening hum I’m talking about rings in our ears when life slow down. When the daily distractions fail to do their job and our minds and emotions wander. I imagine the constant deafening hum for each person is as varied and unique as the situations that create them in the first place. Is your hum the inspirational movie score from Rocky that pushes you to keep fighting the good fight? Is it a maniacal constant drum beat from the movie Jumanji that blares like fraternity hell week fun. Maybe it’s a mix tape from the recent half time Super Bowl shows…



Jon Acton

Husband, Father, Former School Superintendent, National Blue Ribbon School Principal, Teacher, Coach, Author in progress