Member-only story
Denied but not defeated — Bubbles Up!
There were a few choice words that recently came to mind when I was denied a rather important test/scan in my cancer journey. The definitive scan for cancer patients to determine where, what, and sometimes a WTF declaration with cancer is called a Positron Emission Tomography or PET scan for short. I have had two PET scans at earlier stages in my cancer journey. They are basically pain-free procedures that come with an extra-large side of anxiety. A patient is first loaded up with an IV full of radiation to spotlight areas in the body where cancer may be trying to hide and maneuver that cannot be detected with CT scans or MRIs.
It would be cool if I could tell you that the radiation infusion creates Spiderman-type Spidey Senses, amazing Hulk smash strength, or even a lovely lightning bug type glow to help illuminate the darkness. (Fireflies, for my friends out east) Alas, none of those scenarios happen, or at least my experiences have been pretty boring. Instead, I try to calm my nerves, have an IV infusion of radiation, sit for a half hour to allow full spread of the liquid gold, lay prone in an uncomfortable tube straight out of a Star Trek set, and wait for the nice technicians to say I’m all done while trying not to give away any results by the looks on their faces.
Until now. Apparently, now I don’t fit a statistical formula/data point that the insurance company (I will not say which one) monitors to say that my life is worth more than the cost of this…